Possible to control stage/step names dynamically?
next fiscal quarter
Parental Grasshopper
We had some people ask if it was possible for pipelines to control the naming of stages/steps so they could see at-a-glance what the pipeline is doing instead of clicking in to the stage/step and grok the logs.
For example, we have a pipeline that takes input to perform some upgrades on the provided nodes (e.g, Core,Worker,Infra). One or more of the stages may use the "repeat" strategy for each of the provide nodes and when the pipeline execution is viewed you see "Main Cluster Upgrade_0", "Main Cluster Upgrade_1", "Main Cluster Upgrade_2", etc...
The order of those stages/steps will be dynamic based on the user-provided input and requires someone to click on each individual stage/step to determine what exactly the pipeline did. It would be really nice if we had some control or influence over what the labels show when the pipeline is running.
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Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Ability to Provide dynamic names to steps and stages
Fantastic Emu
Ability to Provide dynamic names to steps and stages
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Configurable stage names for multi-deploy
Merlot Bear
When using multi_app deploy pipelines, it would be nice if Harness would append <+service.name> to the stage name. Right now it says deploy_dev_0. After change it would say deploy_dev_appname1. Conversely when using multi_env deploy pipelines, it would be nice if Harness would append <+env.name> to the stage name so deploy_dev_0 becomes deploy_dev_cloud1. Alternately of course you can let us build our own expressions for this "stage name suffix".
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Renaming Stage Names in Looping Strategies
Raspberry Reindeer
When we deploy multiple services as part of CD, we see multiple stages in the pipeline. However, the name of them are not intuitive - they are the stage name followed by 1_0, 1_1, 1_2, etc.
Rohan Gupta
Please enable this setting, you can generate a better name
Rohan Gupta
Merged in a post:
Add ServiceNames to the stage name in the Execution
Mandarin Puma
When doing a multi service deploy, stages will be shown as stage_0, stage_1, stage_2, etc. We would like the ability to show the Service name here instead of a count. For example, stage_service-name1, stage_service-name2, etc.
Merlot Bear
Yes this does seem to work and fits the need, thanks!
Sudarshan Purohit
Hi Pintu, could you elaborate on this request? We do allow custom naming of stages when using the Matrix strategy (https://developer.harness.io/docs/platform/pipelines/looping-strategies/looping-strategies-matrix-repeat-and-parallelism/#customize-matrix-stage-names), and have a similar feature planned for other looping mechanisms.
At this point we don't allow dynamic naming of steps; we'd like to understand the use case here.
Sudarshan Purohit
next fiscal quarter
Sudarshan Purohit
Parental Grasshopper Controlled Gazelle - We also have a plan to allow custom stage naming for the repeat and looping strategies, this should be coming within the next quarter. We will update once it's available, it should solve your problem. Thank you.
Rohan Gupta
pending feedback
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