Option to create target group based on integer value greater than given value
next fiscal quarter
Papaya whip Lark
We want to switch on feature flag if release value (Integer) is greater than given number, in other words add option to create a Target Group based on some Integer attribute greater than Number provided.
Currently greater than option is not available for integers.
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Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Support operator for number comparison
Mandarin Jaguar
The current conditions only allow you to compare strings, for example:
* Ends with
* Contains
I need operators like 'Greater than' and 'Less than' to compare numbers/floats.
For example:
My target has the attribute TaxRate, which ranges from 0 to 45. I need to add a condition in the Target Group to target customers whose TaxRate is greater than 20.
Thistle Whippet
next fiscal quarter