Improve GitOps Sync step console output
in progress
Xenia silver Cuckoo
Hey team, can we please get better console output in the gitops sync step? The output at this time is useless. Most of the time, if the console is referenced, it's to identify why an error occurred. Unfortunately, this is where the console view fails most, without output such as:
Application(s) errored while syncing
Application{name: 'ift-auto-poc-ift-product-dev-us-west1-ehymtrw', agentIdentifier: 'account.accountargocdha', errorMessage: 'one or more objects failed to apply (dry run)'}
This output lacks several things:
• What is the actual error as reported by argocd?
• Please link to the gitops view so customers don't have to manually hunt for the corresponding argocd app.
Even before failures however, the gitops sync step fails to give any insight into the status of what is being synced and its status. We use the argocd app wait step to get a log of what the argocd app is doing during the sync process. Ideally, Harness could do the same, giving insight into what is actually being synced, not just the argocd app as a whole.
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Jittery Mammal
The link is essential. It is silly to go have to copy paste the name and find the Gitops Application.
Rohan Gupta