Auto-abort builds that are for the same commit
next fiscal quarter
Likely Donkey
We have two use cases that currently require us to have a "branch-commit" trigger and a "pr-commit" trigger. With this configuration, we will have 2 builds running when a branch commit is made and a corresponding PR is created/updated shortly thereafter.
The expectation is that we can auto-abort the previous build for the same commit ID. Is there a way to achieve this currently within Harness? If not, is there an open feature request for this in your backlog?
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Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Allow us to add conditions to aborting executions
Hidden Shrew
We'd like to be able to control whether or not the previous execution gets aborted or not based on provided conditions in the triggers for our ci/cd pipelines.
Pranay Kaikini
Hidden Shrew: Can you please provide more details on the your use case?
Nofar Bluestein
next fiscal quarter
Nofar Bluestein
Pranav Rastogi
pending feedback
Bradley Rydzewski
under review
Bradley Rydzewski
hey Likely Donkey thanks for taking the time to provide feedback. What if we added a checkbox to the Trigger settings screen that states "Ignore push to branch when pull request is open". When checked, if we receive a push webhook for a branch with an open pull request, the webhook would be ignored. As a result, only the pull request synchronization webhook would be processed. This would result in 1 pipeline being triggered instead of 2. Would something like this solve your use case?
Likely Donkey
Bradley Rydzewski: With the changes we've made to our workflow and triggers, this is no longer necessary.
Bradley Rydzewski
Likely Donkey: thanks for the follow-up and glad to hear you found a solution! I think there is probably still merit to improving this / making it more intuitive, so we'll keep this feature request open in case others want to upvote.