Allow for expressions to be used for project, organization and account variables
Prairie sand Dinosaur
Allow for expressions to be used for project, organization and account variables. Currently harness-expressions like <+input> are only available at the pipeline level. It would be ideal to be able to define GLOBAL variables for example that leverage harness-expressions such as secrets that can be used across organizations, projects and accounts.
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Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Project Level Variable Value From Expression
Zinc Peacock
I would like to suggest a feature (or maybe this one is already planned).
Currently a project level variable can be only fixed value. I would like to use as value an expression to make a project level variable depending on organization level variable.
Thank you
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Enable Option for Mutable Variable to Be Used Across Org and Project Pipelines
Rubber Scallop
We would like to have mutable variables to be used for sharing outputs across the pipeline to multiple stages and/or steps.
Scenario for Use Case:
- Want this variable to take on an output and will write to a "global" or pipeline execution variable to update runtime input variables.
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Support for all kinds of variable types in Org and Project Level
Secret Goldfish
At Organization level, I want to have some common variables of type secret, number etc,.. instead of just String only. And also the supported Value types of "Expression", "Input" instead of only "Fixed Value"
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Need support for expressions for defining projects and orgs in templates
Iron grey Chicken
Would like to store expression in git and resolve at runtime while creating templates in harness. Currently templates definitions require hard-coded project and org identifier, which causes conflicts while merging
Rohan Gupta
Still not feasible, we cannot read from the current context. We need them explicitly defined.
Burnt sienna Crawdad
Hey Rohan Gupta they are just seeing this with their gitops stages
Ecru Hare
Prateek Mittal
Hi Frederic,
Thanks for the feedback. Can you tell me how do you plan to use expressions in the variable level? What is the problem is being caused without this feature?
Prateek Mittal
Prateek Mittal
under review
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